To Topple a Top

Hi everyone.  Right now we all anxiously await Jillian Keenan’s answer to our questions.  I promise to post them on the first Friday after I receive them.  I’m still shocked and elated that she is taking the time out of her busy schedule to talk to us via the interview.  I can’t wait for to read her responses.

Today, I have a guest blogger.  One of our ladies here sent this to me and I’m sure you all will be happy to offer up comments.  So let me start off by sending you all a giant SWAT!  You all will deserve it if you respond to her post below.

From Carrie Oakey…

I’ve been thinking lately that it’s most probably likely that a Top has it all down to a ‘T’. They can catch us out without blinking an eye. They can sense something is up nd know it somehow.  But what if you could catch your own Toppy lady/partner out… Have her chasing her own tail for a while. .. *grins*
I may just have the right idea!!! One that has been approved by another bratty friend… And that says it all really!
I was aimlessly scowling through amazon on a rather quiet night shift at work. These are the times when the ‘one click’ and it’s bought buttons don’t like my ever depleting bank balance… Anyhoo, I stumbled across some rather fun looking prank ideas. This got me thinking about the stories where a fun loving brat wants to play an innocent game but ends up being the butt of the joke herself. Naturally I tried to think of ways to fix this and turn the tables on a Top.  How could the Top be the butt of a joke?

I ‘researched’ Amazon’s website looking for inspiration. I saw plastic poops down to realistic creepy crawlies (the thought of both make me shudder, not sure I’d even put a Toppy nature through that!) anyway they all seemed a little un realistic not to mention mundane…

Around the same time I couldn’t help noticing a few comments about driving habits that had our fellow brat mates squirming uncomfortably.  This is when one particular prank stood out amongst all others… The driving violation ticket.  Authentic down to the ‘T’.  Fill it out (be sure to desguise your own handwriting) pop it on the car, and voila.  Let the ticket or three do their jobs, I believe it to be completely Top proof…

So what other possibilities are there to play a prank on a Top?  Any ideas?

Happy Spanking


90 thoughts on “To Topple a Top

  1. The prank I wanted to do, but never got around to… my husband uses spray on deodorant* when he works out at work… I wanted to buy a can of body glitter and paint it to look as much as possible like the deodorant and swap them, with obvious wonderful consequences and confusion. I’m an artist and pretty good at spoofing objects, so I think I could have pulled it off, but man… way too much effort especially considering I wouldn’t have had a chance to see his face when he used it.

    (*and now if you’ve read the ONE post on my journal/blog/comic thing it looks like my life is heavily influenced by deodorant, but I swear it’s just a coincidence.)

    A prank I DID pull on my brother way back when: he had confessed to me that he liked 1 song of some really terrible pop singer, so for his birthday I got him a CD from a band he loved… but put in a high quality photocopy of an album by the pop singer (I borrowed the insert from my roommate). It was quite convincing and he about killed me. 😆

    The other thing I’ve got planned which takes a whole lot less planning is to add a bunch of baffling substitutions to his phone’s shortcut/autocorrect settings. Nothing that would cause actual problems- just nonsense like autocorrecting “if” to “banana” or “car” to “jelly.” Words that come up reasonably often but not so frequently that it would be totally obvious what happened. I feel like I could get away with that one for MONTHS without him realizing what I did. Of course it’s not exactly easy to access his phone settings, but I’m ready for when I get the next opportunity. Maybe I’ll try it the next time I’m navigating in the car… 🤔

    I’ve got a friend who’s entire family is engaged in a high stakes prank war… they once bricked a wall across her cousin’s driveway. O_o Impressive dedication, but jeez.

    Generally though, I’m wary of pranks… it’s too easy to be accidentally mean. Like I don’t actually want to upset anyone or ruin their day… and a lot of pranks can unintentionally do that even if that’s not the intent. One of my early memories is my mom telling me school was canceled for a snow day, excitedly rushing to the window, to be told “April Fools!” I was kind of crushed… so I tend to be pretty careful about how a prank is actually going to make the victim feel.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Xen, that body glitter one sounds awesome! Glitter is so fun! 😍

      I have done the autocorrect one to my friend before. It was so funny because she didn’t realize until the next day when we were texting. She was able to fix it on her own, luckily!

      I have also had my fair share of taking a prank too far. It really did seem innocent at the time but clearly the intentions weren’t as innocent as I thought. I was an immature teen at the time and now looking back I can’t believe I did those pranks. I guess you really do live and learn.

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  2. I have to admit I LOVE pranks and there’s just so many ideas. Of course, getting away with them is the tricky part and usually you don’t. But the consequences of getting caught are usually worth it since they fell for your prank in the first place. 😈 The only downside of pranks is sometimes they can really offend a person and that’s when you know you’ve taken it too far. So, you just have to be careful.

    *pulls out the big book of pranks*

    Ah, here are some harmless ideas:
    1. If the kitchen sink has a sprayer, use fishing line or a clear rubber band to tie it down into the “on” position. When they go to use the sink, they’ll get a shower instead.
    2. If the person uses a bar of soap, paint the whole thing with clear nail polish. They’ll spend a lot of time trying to get the soap to lather but it won’t. You can even do this to the tip of a pencil or pen so it doesn’t write.
    3. Take the batteries out of the TV remote. Buy a universal one and connect it to the TV. When they go to watch and browse the channels, they will think they’re in control when really it’s you. Have fun with it.
    4. If they eat Oreos, replace the filling with toothpaste. It looks the same but definitely doesn’t taste the same!
    5. Put a pull sign on a push door and a push sign on a pull door. Classic.
    6. If you have access to their computer, you can take a screenshot of their desktop, hide all the icons and set that screenshot as the new desktop background. They’ll be clicking on icons that don’t work!

    Well, that’s all I’ll give away for now. 😉

    P.s. Micah, what happened to those No Swat Tokens? Do you give them out to a brat for their birthday?! Asking for a friend since it’s their birthday month 😉😂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Ow! *rubs*

      So this would be a really bad time to suggest any kind of Halloween pranks, right? Right! Okay great. Have a nice night! 😁 *slowly backs away*

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      1. Lol! Poor Amanda…😂😂😂

        You are more likely to get a spanking around here on your birthday Amanda….however……if it’s “No Swat” tokens you’re after……wellllll……you’re in luck!. I happen to keep a few spare for emergencies….😁
        *handing you a couple of tokens*……there ya go! Use them wisely my friend!…😊

        Liked by 3 people

          1. Well now…ya make a very valid point Amanda….but ya know in my experience knowing just knowing when it’s your Birthday month is enough knowledge especially fer a Top…..😀

            Ya know that “friend” ya were asking for? She might wanna wear padded knickers this month…ya know just in case…….ta be safe…😈😂

            Liked by 2 people

            1. I suppose it’s worth a try, but I haven’t met a top yet who… assuming they’re well acquainted enough to give an unsolicited birthday spanking, won’t notice immediately and respond by removing the obstacle and making the spanking a bit more forceful to show what they think of padded underwear…

              Liked by 1 person

              1. EM, I really liked your idea but Xen made a very valid point. These Tops are pretty creative around here. I’ll pass along this advice to my friend, you know, for uhh…”safety” reasons. 😉

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      2. Amanda, I just saw a brilliant video on YouTube about a man dressed like a bush. That would be the perfect costume for Halloween. If you bring with you a big bucket, you can pretend to be a plant and scare people. 😀

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        1. Omg Ash that’s hilarious. I really think Halloween should be the one day you can get away with pranks. I mean, you don’t say “Trick or Treat” for nothing. 😉

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    2. I think I was given one of those by pippin once, but I never got to use it. You think it’s still valid? I eh… I think I might find it somewhere… *blows off dust from box*

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  3. Well, my pranks will probably get you caught… BUT it will be fun!

    1) If the top in question has a thing that they need that also is waterproof, you could trap it in a glass of water by putting it upside-down on a table. Like a work key or something?😅You just need something flat to put on top of the glass, flip it, and place on the table.

    2) Change the language on their phone!

    3) Duct-tape an air horn to the wall behind a door, so that when they open it…

    4) My fave…. Buy tiny bang snaps and tape them under the toilet seat. 🤣

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Ash, I love the snappers under the toilet seat idea! That’s true bratty brilliance! I’m not very good at pranking because I always start laughing!

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  4. Great ideas ladies. I think I would -hypothetically, of course, use computerized devices to prank. setting numerous alarms and bogus reminders on phones or google home/alexis to go off around the clock. 😁

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Going off of that, if you have multiple(at least two) different devices that take voice commands (Alexa, Google Home, Siri, etc.), you can have them give each other commands and have them loop infinitely until one of them is turned off. Here’s an example: Pretty sure you could use a timed reminder to start it an ungodly hour. This isnt something I’d ever actually do(probably). I don’t like disturbing other people’s sleep. You didn’t hear this from me. 😛

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Welcome to the blog, Astral. Your insights on how to bug a Top shows you’ll fit right in with the others. It made my palms itch which is a definite sign you’ll fit in well here. 🙂

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  5. OMG I can’t believe it share prank ideas. I hope you like my few tiny pranks.
    1. Prank phone take my partners phone and send to her number from her phone and the message say (you are the most idiot and boring cellphone owner I ever have please do me a favor recycle me so I will found a smarter human). Her face was priceless and the time you send the message you have about 15 finutes to pop on her screen so you are innocent.
    The rest is changing the alarm clock, contacts. You can clone her phone and let the game begin 😎
    2. Car pranks change the horn of the car with a a woman scream, when she uses it. Or naughty words. Take a 💉 syringe with color and use it on her driver’s seat, so when she gets out of the car her behind it’s like a rainbow 🌈. Classic prank, Change tha navigation to different languages even with animals voices amazing. The kids love it.
    3. Meatloaf stuffed with toothpaste horrible taste. Change the sugar with salt classic. Beauty mask, take the cucumber and put with 💉 syringe blue color only the ends of the vegetable when she put it under her eyes for 20 minutes she will have wonderful blue circle glasses.
    Take the sleepers and nailed it on the floor…
    Well my friends it’s just a few that just popped in my mind.
    I really like your ideas I will add them to my to do list😂😂😂😎😎😎

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  6. I’m not too big of a pranker, but I do think about potential pranks a lot. I’m pretty quiet and not outwardly very bratty, so when I do pull something, no one who doesn’t know me ever really suspects I did it. I do mention some of my schemes to friends, though.

    Recently, I put a super cryptic and kind of creepy note on my friend’s door before she left on a trip. I made sure to visit her before she left, though, to fess up and make sure she knew it was just a prank. 

    Something I think about doing, but know for a fact that I probably never will is switching super subtle things around when whoever I’m living with is asleep/away. I.e switch where you put the forks and spoons, switch some posters around, switch the towels with new ones of a different color and hiding the original ones where the person would never look(Or just conveniently buy new towels), stuff like that. Then, when the person notices the these subtle changes, I would play dumb and pretend that they have always been like that. The main reason I would never do this is I wouldn’t have the heart to continue the prank and feel super guilty if the prankee got stressed, and I know some people who would freak out if I did this to them. That, and I can’t lie to save my life. . 3 .  

    If I knew the person wouldn’t completely freak out, I might do it, though. 👀 Maybe not on a Top because there I can think of too many ways poetic justice could be served… 

    Liked by 5 people

    1. That kind of reminds me of a prank my former housemate and I once played on her boyfriend. It was around 5:00pm but we kept insisting it was 7:00pm. When he pointed out his phone said it was 5:00 we were like “Our phones say it’s 7:00 so yours must be wrong.” It got to the point he started asking random people in the street what time it was. When they said it was 5:00 we’d be like “See I told you!”, he’d be like “What are you talking about they said it was 5:00!”, then we’d be like “No, they said it was 7:00. Are you sure you’re okay?” He kind of knew we were messing with him but there was still that little bit of doubt indicated by the fact he asked a lot of people.

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  7. Great ideas, I really loved some of them! And of course I think it would be brilliant to put a fake ticket on a Top’s car and enjoy their face when they realize!

    Unfortunately, I’m too angelic an angel to engage in this sort of activities…

    But I’ll take lots of notes for the future 😇

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Ooh, Ellie! If you want to “enjoy their face” you can always try this car prank…

      1. Get access to their keys
      2. Unlock their car and then put the keys back EXACTLY where they were
      3. Sneak out and get in the backseat of their car, lock the doors and wait for them to leave
      4. When they start to back out, pop up and yell, “BOO” or anything really
      5. Their face = Priceless 😂

      I think everyone knows what would happen if they did this to their Top so, just be prepared and do it at your own risk! But it may be worth it! 😜

      Side note: I actually did this prank to my sister-in-law when we had a family gathering at our house. We used to prank each other quite a bit and she eventually got me back for this. But like I said, her face was priceless!

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      1. This is amazing Amanda!

        In all honesty you all are giving so much good material for spanking stories 😜

        I don’t have a top right now, so I can’t try the experiment, but I totally will someday 😂 That’s too intriguing a suggestion!


  8. Well these all made me giggle a little but with my Angel status and all, I’m not much of a prankster!😉

    And for some reason I seem to find enough trouble without pulling pranks🤔

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  9. Ladies, pranks need to be realistic enough for them to work… so the fact that either of the Ellie’s or Claire hold an angel status is going far beyond that… We can all attest to that fact that I am wholly angelic and in fact hold the only status there is to angels… Now that is sorted….

    Great prank ideas 👌👌👌


        1. I’m pretty sure they were all yours!

          Though I shall admit to having you think my name was Marco in the beginning because I wanted to prank you a bit and make you think I was a guy.

          I did apologize and confess right away, though. 😜


          1. Well it did back fire as I said it’s was an interesting name and I’d never heard of it before so naturally went along with it, you’ll always be a Marco to me honey, hmmm, maybe I’ll ever shorten it to Marc 😜


              1. But you just said you weren’t sure if I was deserving of the “angel status”. So wouldn’t my best bet to acquire that status be to hang around those who were born an Angel, therefore making them a great, positive, non-bratty influence?! Like Ellie and Claire? 😁

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                  1. But, Carrie. How do we know you really are an angel? 🤔 Methinks many non-angels would jump at the chance to claim to be “wholly angelic and in fact hold the only status there is to angels”… 😛

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                    1. Now that’s a title I could get used too. In fact let’s make it official. Listen up Brats this is how I will now be addressed from now on, thank you for your cooperation! 😇😇

                      The key, err to keep them safe from mischievous hands, such as yours 😉


                    2. The proof is in the halo 😇
                      I fact I’m not dressing up much for Halloween this year, think I’ll just use my halo and go as the angel I am 😇😇😜


                    3. But how do we know your halo is the real deal? What if you just took something that looked like a halo, like an onion ring or donut, and painted it silver? 🤔 I believe you’ve already mentioned the possibility of fake halos down below somewhere. Your halo’s individual identity, could easily be explained if you made it yourself! 😛

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                    4. Now I’m scared to see what it tastes like!😨 Maybe you should do the honors, Amanda. :3 You seem much braver than I am.

                      *Whispers back* I think so, too!


                    5. Haha I wouldn’t say I’m THAT brave. But I will do it….. Now, where did Carrie run off to? 🤔 I’ll need y’all to distract her so I can plan my sneak attack. I doubt I’ll be able to just walk right up to her and take a bite of her halo! 🤣

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                    6. I was just wondering the same thing… Perhaps she’s scared we’re going to call her bluff?🤔

                      Miss wholly angelic angel, where did you go? 👀 *Sets out chocolates as a bribe*


          1. They’re all wrong. It’s like Highlander: there can be only one… if you out-brat all other brats you finally stand alone with your hard fought halo. Until another challenger is born.

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            1. Xen I hate to break it to you but your hard fought for halo is actually called horns… 😈 They’re close in spelling but completely different in meaning 😇


  10. Looks like you guys are having a great time. I’m glad and don’t want to throw a damper on things. But I need to let you know that I have some family sickness right now and won’t be posting tomorrow. I probably won’t be online much this coming week either. Hopefully, I can have a post ready next Friday. And Yes, it’s Jillian Keenan’s answers to your questions.
    Ya know? I kind of like the idea of you all squirming as you impatiently wait to see her answers. Makes me smile. See you soon…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Micah, that sucks. Whatever it is, I hope things go better soon 😦 Dropping a hug here for you and crossing my fingers (we all will, I’m sure) for you.

      Don’t worry about anything. 🙂

      And just so you know, I feel like the amusing thing is that you’ll make both us and Jillian squirm at the same time…isn’t that magnificent?

      (Hope that’s not a problem, after all she is a little rebel too :P)

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    2. Oh no, Micah. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts & prayers and I hope whatever it is y’all are dealing with that it gets better. Family comes first!

      And don’t worry about us here. There’s so many angelic influences lately that you may come back to a blog full of Angels! 😇

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