And Now – Ms. Jillian Keenan

Thank you all for your patience these last couple of weeks.  Real life got in the way as it often does for us all.  But Hurray! Jillian Keenan has answered our questions.  Please know that several questions were similar enough that I may have grouped them together.  So if your question wasn’t handled in a way that you expected, just know that I tried my best and Jillian never saw anything except my doctored list of questions.

So…… you go.  Enjoy!



1. Please list the books, articles, videos, podcasts, and any other public media items you’ve done. I’m sure any readers or lurkers would love to have a list of your works.
a. Items related to the spanking fetish.
b. Items related to other topics.
c. What are you currently working on and when do you think it may be available?
d. Is there an author that you like to read? Either spanking related or not.

My first book, Sex with Shakespeare, is available at: There are also audiobook and Kindle versions of the book available for people who prefer those formats!

Some examples of my journalism work are available on my website,, and my new YouTube channel is at

And, of course, I am extraordinarily grateful to friends who generously choose to support my work at

2. The Fetish Itself

a. What is your favorite implement? What is a hard limit for you?
I have a love-hate relationship with hairbrushes. They make me squirm like crazy, but they also reach a very primal, visceral part of my fetish.
I have an odd phobia of anyone hurting my toes, so any kind of pain or impact play involving my feet would probably be a hard limit. No bastinado for me!

b. Do you only enjoy getting spanked, or, if you have, have you ever enjoyed spanking someone?
I think it’d be fair to call me a “service switch” – I usually bottom, but I’m happy and eager to switch in the service of my friends. If I’m at a party and I see that someone really wants to play but isn’t getting many opportunities to, I want to make that happen!

c. Many (but not all) of the women here prefer to be in a spanking relationship with another woman. This can be the case for both gay and straight women on the blog. Do you have any experience with that?
I do! One of my all-time favorite tops is a woman.

d. Do you personally think the spanking fetish is in our DNA or a result of our life experiences? Any thoughts on how someone never spanked as a child can have a spanking fetish? Do you think it’s more prevalent in women than men?                             My fetish is my sexual orientation: innate, unchosen, and lifelong. It is absolutely not the result of childhood trauma. My dom, for instance, was never spanked as a child (or even threatened with a spanking), but his fetish is every bit as fundamental as my own.

e. Do you think knowledge of the fetish is better received if the couple is heterosexual vs two women? Would your answer be contingent on the culture in which they live?           In my experience, people do seem to be slightly more comfortable with the idea of female tops, both when those women have female submissives and when they have male submissives. Dominant women are often perceived as either funny or sexy, whereas dominant men in heterosexual relationships are often perceived as either abusive or mentally disturbed — think Christian Grey. Women who bottom to men can also sometimes face accusations of internalized sexism that aren’t always hurled as often at women who bottom to other women. That being said, I don’t want to minimize the stigma that women who are in D/s relationships with other women often face: being reduced to tropes like “funny” or “sexy” can feel really dehumanizing.

f. In your opinion, what makes a great spanking story?
My favorite spanking stories tend to involve two unrelated men who have a non-sexual, mentor-type relationship. As I wrote in my book, I came of age on stories about Qui-Gon Jinn disciplining Obi-Wan Kenobi. I’m still pretty embarrassed to admit that!

g. Can you describe some of the more restrictive cultures where you have lived and how you dealt with your spanking fetish?                                                                                           I’ve lived in a few places, like Oman, where access to erotic content online was severely restricted. I’ve also lived in places that don’t have very big spanking communities. I deal with it the way most spankos do: by indulging in internal fantasies and by connecting with friends online.
3. Your writings:

a. Were you always a “spanking” writer, or did you start out in more general journalism/editorializing? If it was something you transitioned into, did you have professional/personal concerns about being “out” as a fetishist?
I started out in more general journalism, but my first really “big” piece was an essay about spanking for the New York Times. I had, and still have, many personal and professional concerns about being out as a fetishist, and I have suffered many consequences of being so public.

b. “Was there any one thing or event in your life that helped you decide to go public about your fetish?”
There was no one event that pushed me to go public – it was more like a dam finally burst.

c. Are there ever days you second guess yourself about this decision?
Every single day. As I said, the consequences of this decision have been significant.

d. Do you have recommendations or strategies you could share for being open about the lifestyle without putting people you associate with at risk professionally?
I really don’t – I think this is the kind of thing that individuals need to navigate for themselves. Everyone’s personal and professional situation is different.

e. The women here have often discussed the feelings of embarrassment we feel about our fetish. The idea of making it public is scary beyond belief. Did you have trepidation over making it public? Can you describe your feelings before it was published? How did you feel afterwards?
I was terrified. In many ways, I still am.

f. What was it like to open up so publicly? How did people take to it? Were you still respected in the same way, regardless of your kink? Did you care what people think? Have you had negative experiences because of public knowledge of your fetish?
I have had many negative experiences, and it’s impossible to not sometimes wonder what my life would be like today if I had made different choices. But I also get letters every week from people around the world who tell me that my work helped them – in some cases, that my work saved their lives. That is an extraordinary blessing, and I’m grateful for it every day. Ultimately, it’s not the effect of my work on my own life that matters: it’s the effect of my work on the lives of others.

g. “How did your disclosures about your kink effect your career as a serious writer and journalist who has often written about subjects unrelated to TTWD?”
For the most part, I have been delighted to discover that the two sides of my career can co-exist fairly well. It would be a lie to say that there haven’t been a few professional challenges, but for the most part it’s been okay.

h. I am amazed at your creativity in writing Sex with Shakespeare. Your depth of knowledge and understanding of his works is impressive and it’s obvious that you have a deep love of his works. Did Shakespeare’s characters give you the support and introspection that was portrayed so well in the book? I will never think of Demetrius’ and Helena’s relationship in the same way again.
Thank you! Shakespeare remains, as I note at the end of the book, the great love of my life.

4. Dan Savage says about you book Sex with Shakespeare:
“Calling this book brave is an understatement. We often talk about other people’s kinks, but rarely does someone open up about their own kinks—and really own their kinks—as fearlessly as Jillian Keenan does in her moving and funny memoir.”
As a writer of spanking fiction I struggle with this. I’m very proud of my books and I’d love to shout from the roof tops that I’m a writer of two published novels but I struggle with owning the genre. Does this just make me a coward? How did you navigate this and what advice can you give authors of this genre that are basically closeted themselves?
It’s hard for me to give advice to people who are struggling with how open to be when I don’t know their individual circumstances. Being in the closet certainly doesn’t make anyone a “coward,” but refusing to acknowledge the active role we all play in our own lives and choices does.

5. For a single person in the dating world, would you say letting them know about your spanking fetish is something to tell them right away or should you get to know them better before mentioning anything? I mean, how do you even bring that up? Assuming you don’t know if they are in to it or not.
I think it’s incredibly important to let potential partners know about a fetish as soon as possible, and to push back at people who minimize its importance. Having a spanking fetish is a really big deal, and I’ve seen a lot of relationships fail because the couple was unwilling or unable to confront the situation head-on. It’s a cliché, but honesty really is the best policy.

6. What is the best way to open up a conversation with a longime vanilla partner about this overwhelming need and how to incorporate it into a relationship if it wasn’t there at the beginning?
I intend to make a video about this very subject! So please keep an eye on my YouTube channel for more. 

7. Would you have a problem if I take some of the things you brought up as a way to prompt discussion on the blog? What I’m asking is, can I take a quote from your book and then talk about it as a way to prompt discussion?                                                            You can absolutely use quotes from my book to prompt discussion! In fact, I’d be honored.

9 thoughts on “And Now – Ms. Jillian Keenan

  1. Well this just made my day: “I came of age on stories about Qui-Gon Jinn disciplining Obi-Wan Kenobi. I’m still pretty embarrassed to admit that!” Me too!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I still remember some of these. No other fandom (and I have plenty) really captured me the same way. And I’ve definitely never admitted it to friends who know I’m kinky because I know they’d be mortified (and so would I).

    Thank you for answering our questions! I’ve been enjoying your YouTube channel since someone here (I think) linked to it, and I look forward to buying/reading your book once I’m done reading my current post-apocalyptic thriller.

    Also, I have never, and will never read all the comments on a YouTube video, but kudos on your cheerful slap down of the person who was complaining about you not responding after having propositioned you. And hoping there weren’t multiple occasions of that happening…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Micah. 😀 Oh, and thank you, Jillian. 😉 Great interview. I recognised my own feelings in some of the things she said. Though I must admit, I have never heard about this Obi wan Kenobi discipline stuff. Must look into that and see what that is all about. Hah!
    I too have a thing for the hairbrush. I dunno… it is just a fascination I have.🧐


  3. This interview is awesome. Thank you, Micah! And a big thank you to Jillian for answering our questions. It makes me feel better about myself and I love all the advice. Maybe it’s a natural instinct, but seeing a brush makes me squirmy too. I wish I had read Jillian’s book beforehand, but I have bought it now and will be reading it over the weekend.

    Also, I’m wondering now if Jillian would’ve had any fun brat pointers for us?! 🤔😜😇


  4. Thanks so much Micah and Jillian for this interview! Lots to ponder here. I look forward to the YouTube video about maneuvering thru vanilla relationships. Living that as we speak. The cat is out of the bag with my spouse and I’m trying to get in touch with my feelings and needs to help him understand it so this is very timely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, that’s a huge leap to make. How are you feeling, having disclosed that? Or is this more of an ongoing struggle (your comment makes it sound pretty recent)?

      This can be such a hard thing to communicate… I’m very introspective, but my spanking/TTWD thing is something even I don’t fully understand after a lifetime of examining it. My husband and I are both kinky… we met at a kink club. We’ve been together for about 15 years and married for 11. But I’m STILL learning and discovering things about my own needs that never made sense to me before or I could never clarify before, or that I couldn’t accept before, and the same is true for my husband.


      1. Xen –
        Thanks for asking. It has been interesting. It kinda came out about 2 months ago, due to “truth serum” ie Vodka lol. We both laughed about it, and he has tried to incorporate it into our playtime. I haven’t told him its not just for foreplay but I think I need it for life in general……I on other hand, am feeling very shy totally opening up but try to educate him on the kink in general and just what little I have learned this past year as I come to terms with it. I keep wondering if I really have this kink/fetish. But then I find myself thinking about pretty much nothing else, notice which branches would make great switches on my daily run at the lake, notice nice wood hairbrushes and spoons while out shopping, fantasize about certain people spanking me, yada yada yada. But he is accepting and giving me time to figure this out so I cannot complain. It’s a journey. And hopefully you can teach old dogs new tricks 😘👋🍑

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It took me probably a year or two to first broach the idea of a disciplinary dynamic… my husband is more on the “kink as sex flavor” side of things, so it took some negotiation and adjustment (and pushing past my own embarrassment) to get there. And honestly… it didn’t go great at first! It took more time to figure out what was working and what wasn’t, and to separate out stuff that was deep fantasy but probably not super healthy in reality. And then also… my husband is not a disciplinarian. He’s a true sadist and more D/s oriented than I am. It took both of us a while to come to terms with how much he enjoys hurting me (and I still probably “get away” with more than I’d like, because he’s very wisely overly cautious not to punish me just for his own enjoyment). And then we had a couple babies, so everything got put on hold for quite a while.

          It’s really only the last year or two that we’re getting into territory that works for both of us, and it’s still evolving.

          Email is a really good commutation tool for this stuff, especially if you both have a non-work email where you’re comfortable talking about it. I’ve found it’s a lot easier to write down my thoughts than to speak them directly. It also helps to link to resources or stories that resonate with you, and add your own commentary about what you do and don’t like/agree with. Having a starting point like that is much easier than having to explain yourself from scratch.

          And it’s also ok if it feels silly when you’re trying things. No one is watching you, no one is judging you. Sometimes it feels awkward and you might regret ever having even brought it up… but that doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong track. For me a lot of times it just means I’m fighting myself to let myself be vulnerable… because it’s a hard thing to do even if you want it and need it.

          Good luck!!! Keep talking to him and be patient with both him and yourself!


          1. Awww Xen……totally appreciate your advice and views. You hit the nail on the head! And emailing is a great idea….I am way better at expressing myself with writing. I actually have thought about having him read Jillian’s book. I think it would be a great resource to understand the mindset….if he only knew who and what I follow on twitter (my kinky, other account) he’d probably blush a little. And why I am obsessed with NCIS and Law and Order SVU. The fanfic that involves these shows with spankings…can’t get enough. I have not seen the Star Wars stuff so I might need to check it out. And of course, I love all of the writers that follow this blog. Thanks Ladies!


  5. Thank you for the interview, Anna and Jillian.

    After having read Jillian’s book, which I say is like a must read pillar for anyone into This Thing We Do, I’m positive it won’t be long before I end up bugging her seeking to discuss some of her thoughts more “in depth”.

    It’s strange how we never met, yet through her book I feel like I know so much about her and her story (undoubtedly not as much as I think I do).

    I have highlighted so many passages in her book and i sometimes reread them and can’t help feeling like I’ll need to address some of those at some point. Some of them I’d even like to argue with.

    I hope i hey the chance. Time to run and close because I’m on a plane and we’re about to depart and they already gave order to turn internet off a little while ago 😂

    Anyway thank you again! This and the book were enlightening in so many ways 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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