Hanging out – 6

All right you hooligans!  Here is another place for you to hang out.  I’m hoping CJ will send me a video to share with you.  If she allows it, I’ll post it here for you.  For now….simply hang around and chill.




1,106 thoughts on “Hanging out – 6

  1. Such a quiet blog… and I even made all these delicious snickerdoodle cookies to share 🍪🍪 (I know it looks like chocolate chip, use your imagination.) Guess I’ll just have to eat them all by myself… 😢

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wait please Mishi snickerdoodlrs are my most FAVORITE!!! May I please?

      CJ pushes LT a little further away from the plate. “Sorry LT but me Cookie Monster when snickerdoodles are near!” 😂😂😂

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        1. Hey CJ How are you? What a lovely night don’t you think! Why using you precious time chasing after me instead of enjoy this quite evening? 😝😝😝

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        1. Aw, is your back not doing any better? Is this still a result of the tv dropping on it or did you do something else to it too?

          And.. ah.. a comeuppance visit does seem like it would do the trick 😉 How much longer do you have to survive in this world of behooving?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. 24-36 hours. 😉

            Back originally from moving boxes. Then some people have decided that jumping from the cliff did not help it at all. Hmmmpppffftt Doctor said get exercise then he takes exception to my choice of recreation. Hmmm go figure.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Doctors just live to confuse us. It’s their primary goal in life, to help people get better but leave them more confused.

              And oh, that’s soon. I see why you’re behooving 😉 Have fun and give her a hug from me.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Give her a hug from me too, but be sure to add some tickle, please.

              I tell you, Docs are such a pain in the butt. Giving you a hug because I’m sorry back is still troubling you!

              Liked by 1 person

          1. I don’t know… good question. Is this like when people used to believe you could sail off the edge of the world? Is the blog flat, and not round? 🤔

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  2. Hmmm LT going to be in and out tonight? The blog page is flat so if we brought cats into the blog all things movable will be pushed off… It’s what cats do… 🐈🐈🐈🐾🐾🐾

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    1. I don’t have any plans. I’m a bit of a boring person. 😉 Tonight I’m just trying to rest my brain.. it was getting cranky earlier for some reason 🤔

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    1. 🤔I’ve been having sober second thought about this. SWMBO was kinda ticked at having her cup of coffee altered just a smidgeon. It’s probably better to leave puppy off limits. In my defence however, I was not suggesting we take puppy anywhere dangerous like a dog park, or pet salon or even a pet store. Puppies can be mischievous, and I figured if the door to that notorious implement armoire was left slightly ajar, puppy would enjoy gnawing on any leather or bits of sticks inside, leaving Micah’s shoes unnibbled. Win Win. 😝


      1. Jay Kay word to the wise bud, if ya think SWMBO got a bit peeved about her creamer, you haven’t seen anything until you touch her implements 😳

        Although she does have a soft spot for puppies. She would pick up the pup and coo at it. Then she would look for the owner and want to “discuss” things. 😉🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️


          1. Exactly!!! I mean I am going as slow as a Grandma on the highway now!!! 👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼🚙putt putt My poor vehicle is dying of boredom!! It cries going down the road now.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. I don’t know… my grandma goes pretty fast on the highway. 😉

              But the image of you putting along in your crying vehicle is an entertaining one 😂

              Liked by 1 person

                1. ROFLMAO I was wondering if you were going to see that. 😂😂😂

                  CJ pulled out her paint ball sling shot from her back pocket. Loaded it and found her target. Pulled back and swoosh the paint ball found its mark right on LT’s pert bum! SPLAT neon pink target was hit!!

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                  1. Feeling the splat LT looked back at CJ.

                    “This means war, bratboss.”

                    LT pulled out a special bottle from her pocket and opened and started running. As soon as she got close to the surprised CJ she slowed just enough to dump an entire container of fine sliver glitter all over her face and hair and just kept running….

                    Turning to look back over her shoulder she saw the glitter all over CJ’s hair, face, shoulder and back….

                    It was quiet a sight….

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                    1. CJ was sputtering out glitter… oh no she didn’t!!

                      CJ went into the restroom and cleaned off the glitter. Shaking her head LT’s tom foolery. If she thought a little paint ball was war… well she would know what war really meant!!

                      CJ slipped into the handicap stall and removed the panel in the wall and pulled out the largest super soaker ever! She grappled the green coloring and proceeded to fill the gun up with water and coloring.

                      She walked out of the restroom thinking she would have to search for LT. But LT was too busy laughing and telling Mishi about the glitter CJ took aim and in a quick 5 seconds the gun was emptied on to LT. She was one big lime green—reminded CJ of the big green giant. 😂😂😂

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                    2. LT sighed and tryed to contain her laughter. CJ, CJ, Cj…..

                      Changing clothes in the bathroom and frowning at the greenish tent of her skin, Logan knew what she going to do.


                    3. LT wandered out the back door and into the parking lot still slightly damp from the water gun. That CJ was something else.

                      Going to her car LT located the car jack and lug wrench. Then she located CJ’s car and quickly jacked up rear of the car, quickly removing the back drivers tire. Replacing the jack with a convenient cinder block LT repeated the process with the rest of the tires leaving the car resting only on blocks.

                      LT then rolled all of the tires to the front of CJ’s car in a nice neat little pile in front of her car.

                      The thing she wasn’t going to leave CJ though was the lug nuts. Good luck going anywhere. 😉

                      LT put the jack and wrench back into her car with the nuts and wandered back inside…

                      Maybe she’d ask CJ if she had something in her car so she could “discover” her surprise.

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  3. CJ was geeked to be in her Danika racing suit. She was so ready to win this race!!

    She knew she would be up against some real competition in Mishi, LT and Jaykay plus PakPak if they joined!

    CJ picked out her racing machine and slipped into the seat. Belting herself in waiting for the others and for the green light!

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  4. Wearing a Yoshi hoodie she’d purchased just for this occasion, Mishi headed out onto the track and picked the green kart to slide into. She’d only been go-kart racing once before, and that was indoors. And they hadn’t been too happy about how fast she was trying to go.

    She was ready to fly down that road. After all, she had plenty of practice with Mario Kart Wii and that ridiculous wheel. (And she only flew off the track on the game 5 times out of 10). It couldn’t be that different.

    This would be fun!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Logan pulled on a colorful rainbow racing suit and then jumped into a bubble bee looking go kart!

    Come on CJ last one over the line has to a cane swat from the other. 😉

    Mishi you want in too?

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  6. CJ grinned at LT your on young’in! Come on Mishi we have some lessons to teach!!

    All 3 ladies had their go karts at the starting line and were watching the count down to the green light 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1… Go!!!

    They were off…

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  7. Yougin huh? Logan stuck her tongue out at the other woman.

    Lessons to teach…

    As soon as the light turned green LT floored the go kart. And the were off! All close as they rounded the first turn of the track. . .

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  8. Was LT nuts, Mishi wondered. But before she had to time to ponder the matter any further – or whether CJ was also nuts for agreeing – the countdown had started and Mishi focused her full attention on the race about to start… ready… set… Go!!!

    Mishi hit the gas pedal a split second after the light changed to green. She ended up just behind the other two but she didn’t mind that… she had a plan.

    With the wind zipping by her, Mishi grinned as she steered her cart… Times like these she understood why some people had a need for speed…

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  9. CJ was off like a shot she was neck and neck with LT. Mishi was right on their tails.

    They were headed into the first turn she decided to get a feel of the cart so she shifted up and drifted through the turn. As the turn finished she shifted into the next gear and punched the gas!

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  10. As they flew around the turn, Mishi surged forward briefly to take the lead until CJ suddenly shot past again, hightailing it down the track. All right then, Mishi took that as her cue to step on the gas as well. Her heart began to race a little faster as her kart picked up speed, and she grinned. Caught up in the moment, she turned her wheel from side to side, weaving across the track, just because she could and she wanted to see what it felt like. 😊

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  11. //sorry guys I have to head for bed. Mishi you can finish the race as long as ya beat LT. Lol ok just having a bit of fun. Love playing with both of ya!! Hugs//

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                1. Also, are you going to write any more for the race? ‘Cause I can wait but otherwise I’m thinking of finishing it because I’m going to go to bed soon myself, probably.

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  12. The three zoomed along the track, narrowly missing each other once or twice as they rounded the turns, each trying to take the lead and keep it. Well, CJ and LT at least, were fighting for the lead. Mishi was content to zip along with them, enjoying the ride and having a grand ol’ time. Yet, as they careened around the final turn and the finish line lay straight ahead, Mishi found herself slamming down on the gas too. She wanted to finish this race in style!

    Neck-and-neck the three karts hurtled along, going so fast the wheels seemed to barely touch the ground. First CJ pulled ahead, then Mishi, and then LT, and then CJ again, and back and forth they went until – flash! They were past the finish line!

    Slowing down, all three turned their heads to gaze at the electronic scoreboard, awaiting the results with bated breath… and then they came: A 3-Way Photo Finish. CJ and LT both shook their heads at each other, and Mishi laughed. “So either you guys both give each a cane stroke or no one gets one, and instead we go grab some frozen nipples at Lou’s, what do you say?” She didn’t really give them much of a chance to disagree though, as she really wanted to get to Lou’s and enjoy a nice, cold treat on this hot summer day. Judging from CJ’s and LT’s willingnes to go along, they did too.

    ///If you put me in charge of finishing up a race, don’t be surprised when everyone ends up winners! 😊😉

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  13. Hey Wookie! Seems like forever since we were on the blog at the same time. Crazy time zones!!

    I am pretty good. How about yourself?


    1. I know what you mean CJ… the time zones are beginning to roll into one alternate time line to be honest 😜
      I’m good thanks just waiting for it to stop raining… again… so I can wash my car! Yeh I know…. but I’m a Brit 🤣🤣🤣
      What are you up to this weekend, anything good ?

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  14. Well it is another sunny day here. One thing I really like about South Carolina more sun than most places.

    My wife and I are going to visit a friend you know, later today. 😉 This friend seems to believe that a discussion is in order. 😳

    We also are getting ready for the eclipse on Monday. We have our glasses and a party is set up. We should have a great sighting.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Right now I’d give anything for a couple of sunny days. So much for our British summer 🤣

      Sounds like there may not be an awful lot of actual talking going on as such there CJ. Aww hang on in there bud 😳

      Are you in a good place that see the eclipse where you you are? You taking photos? That would be awesome !! Enjoy the party though…..

      Liked by 2 people

  15. Yes the eclipse is going right over us. Many businesses are stopping and letting people go and watch it. We all have our glasses! We should have anywhere from 1.5-2 minutes of total eclipse here.

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    1. From the starts to maximum gonna take 30mins and last for 2mins 36secs after reach the maximum! Yes, I memorized all the numbers. I’m gonna travel to SC cause we only have partial eclipse here. Have fun! Next time gonna be 2078.


        1. Don’t call yourself an eejit Els.

          Also, Morning and Afternoon everyone 🙂 Hope you all have/are having a great day! Good luck to you CJ. (I’m serious about that hug, btw, and you can tell her to give you one from me in return 😉)
          I need to look to see if we’re getting any eclipse here… hope you enjoy your two minutes of darkness and enjoy the party!


          1. Thank you!!! I will forget in a couple of minutes just like I have forgotten where EVERYONE on here comes from, but you gave me the push to take up the US chart and study it for a while! It’s always so fun when I do that, the things I re-discover! 😀

            Too bad my brain and geography (or maths) disagree on a constant basis >.>

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      1. Hi Ellie, I’m good thanks! Im on a date actually I was so nervous I downed a bottle of wine before! 😂😂 Me good..😂 that’s a joke! How r u hun? Have you had a good day?


          1. Yea it was good, went to see girls trip. I could have died with laughter! Then went to a lloyd’s bar then wandered the streets for a bit! So yea was good! I hope your night was as good as it was busy! 😁


  16. Hey everybody! I thought I would let you know that I am having an eclipse party for my smallish students on Monday. We’re having Sunny D (fake orange juice), Sun Chips, and Moon Pies. It will be too cloudy to watch in our location so we’ll watch NASA live stream it. Got any other ideas for easy eclipse snacks?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, that sounds like a great party! I wish I could come 😉

      I’m having a hard time thinking up eclipse snacks… right now all that’s coming to mind is dark chocolate which is rather lame and then Milky Ways, which aren’t exactly eclipse related but the galaxy is sort of related? Maybe? 😛 The only other thing I can think of is cookies that are shaped like the sun/moon because who doesn’t love cookies 😉

      Have fun with your party! Hope your smallish students enjoy it. 🙂


        1. Nice, mo, I like crescent rolls as an idea for an eclipse treat. Maybe I’ll make some myself. Mmm this blog is going to make me hungry again.


            1. Sounds like a great idea to me 😄 Oh, right, I forgot about the moon being made of cheese. Now though I am just picturing the sun as a cracker and the moon (cheese) covering it… maybe I should buy some ritz crackers and some circle shaped cheese. 😂 Think I’m gonna go make a grocery list for monday morning anyway. Sunny D and crescent rolls on top!


                1. Lol, I had to go look up what Tang was but now I think I have seen it before. Idk though, think I might prefer some Sunny D 😉


                    1. Lol, I’ve never had moonshine (and never will thanks to my stomach having issues) but I’m sure it would knock me off my feet 😜


                    2. I don’t drink that much really- unless someone is offering lol. Somebody brought a bottle 1 Thanksgiving. I laughed at 1st cuz of the Andy Griffith show.lol


    1. Thanks and you’re welcome, Tigger! I thought you might be concerned about the students sugar rushes so I didn’t mention starbursts and mars bars; but hope you have a blast!

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      1. *bustling about in the kitchen*
        *cupboards doors being opened*
        *clanging of frying pan(
        *smell of sizzling bacon wafting through the air*
        *proper coffee being made without all the fripperies of flavoured creamers or chocolate bars*

        Ahh …..here we go……a lazy Sunday morning breakfast of bacon butties…..as and when….no hurries…..enjoy


        Liked by 1 person

              1. Yes I do find posh slang can be very funny! 😁 But I like things like “you old mucker” too! Hehe i think thats what you use to say! 😀 or is that a “posh ” expression too? I didnt think so but i only guess.😊When i think about it you revealed long ago that your real identity is royal, so all your expressions should be quite posh… 😂

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          1. You are so right Ellie. Having the weekend off is great however we didn’t manage to have a rain free one, nor today it seems! *sigh*


          1. No weird flammable powder in my coffee no! I do like flames and chocolate but I take them as a side dish, not dunk it in the coffee. 😂Doesnt burn well when soaked😏

            Heres a cup for you dear! ☕

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    1. We got it too, but call it Brittsommar after the Saint Birgitta who has her namesday in october. Weather here is sunny and beautiful but it has been raining so im waiting for the fields to dry up enough to harrow rhem. Hehe not that there are no things to repair while waiting but a lil brekkie can be good i thought…

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  17. I was thinking about leaving Micah hanging, butt since she is already talking about the next time…😳

    Hey BPack! Yes I am still sore! Yes I am behooving!! Drinking my eclipse libation and watching the moon eat the sun.

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    1. It’s good to read you are good, BB. 😏 Now we can relax being sure that you are both OK (yep, our worry is as much for you as it is for Micah given your brattiness! Lol)
      Please, enjoy the eclipse for me too!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Lol El I will let her tell that side of the story. But I might mention Micah played tennis and she used that stroke for the strop!!!

        As far as my level of brattiness hmmmm🤔

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    2. Was that butt intentional? 😉

      Glad to hear from you BB! Hope you’re not too sore! Have fun watching the sun get eaten! Hope your party’s going/goes well!

      Also… best of luck for you for the next time, since apparently one is already coming. And that tennis stroke sounds terrifying 😳

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    3. CJ! Did you get a good view? Any good pics? A giant cloud blocked the sun from our location didn’t get a good pic. 😭😭😭 The traffic is driving me crazy.


    1. Hey CJ….glad to hear you survived. Here’s a fluffy cloud ☁️ to sit on should you be allowed and sorry my freezer was out of stock of frozen peas 😁

      Enjoy the eclipse. I’ve watched some of it on TV today….awesome .

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                1. Hmmm 🤔 where is my buddy these days ? She’s getting more Toppy by the minute ……defintely gone over to that dark dark dark dark side. Its not good for you Logan…..

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. ⏱tick tock tick tock…….look into my eyes Logan and repeat after me

                      “Topping is not good for my health……I am a member of the Brat Pack, I am a member of the Brat Pack”

                      *glazed look on Logan’s face…..I think I might have got through to her 😊*

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                    2. “Topping is not going to be good for the health of Jojo’s backside…..
                      I will always be a member of the ARS pack… I will always be a member of the ARS pack”

                      *a glazed look came over my eyes thinking of a certin brats wiggling red behind*

                      Yep you got through to me… that you are a brat! 😊

                      Liked by 1 person

            1. I just now took a closer look at the emoji Jojo used and realized it was a tongue… I had just thought it was a really tiny red demon and wondered what Logan was on about…


                1. I noticed how much you specified the YOU with Jojo. Does that you mean you don’t mind other people poking their tongues at you as much? Just curious. Ever since the experiment the other night I find myself interested in hypothesizing 🤔 Also, I’m collecting data to ensure future safety. 😊


  18. Ladies. Have you ever noticed that my gravatar is an angel? Have you ever noticed that CJ’s is a little devil? Just sayin…

    (CLare….you’ve been contaminated by CJ)

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        1. You accidentally tacked an “un” onto the front of your sentence there. Just thought I’d let you know so you can edit it to show your true feelings. 😊😉

          Liked by 5 people

  19. My fellow brats: I have a VERY important issue to raise with all of you. I was EXTREMELY disturbed to learn this morning that a woman so many of us look to for leadership and inspiration has knowingly and consciously and intentionally VIOLATED section 4(b)(2)(iii) of the Brat Code by “gifting” a Top we all know and love– Anna– with TWO IMPLEMENTS!!! CJ visited Anna this weekend and gave her as presents both a thick leather strap that used to be part of a saddle AND a riding crop!!! This is COMPLETELY unacceptable behavior. I am shocked. SHOCKED!!! Has she no thought at all for the consequences of her actions for Tigger, for me, and quite possibly for any and all of you???? Shame! SHAME I say!!! I think you may want to discuss amongst yourselves how to deal with this blatant disregard and rejection of her fiduciary duty of loyalty to ALL of us.

    Please discuss……

    Liked by 7 people

    1. hheehehehe…*rubbing my hands together in evil glee*
      That strap is an attention -getter and the crop can be used like a nice little cane. I can’t wait for the next visit from Hupo. And Tigger will be getting an extraordinary Christmas gift when she visits this year. hahahhahaaha

      Liked by 5 people

    2. I just googled what is a saddle looks like. All I can say is good luck buddy. Try not to get in trouble. It looks scary and evil as hell. 😳😳😳

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    3. I am in shock… I’ve never felt so absolutely betrayed in my life… 😳😢

      All right, CJ, ‘fess up bud… what did Micah bribe you with? 😝

      Liked by 5 people

    4. Ok ladies I am too busy ROFLMAO…

      First of all the implements were Micah’s birthday gifts.

      Second of all, I knew I would be the first to feel them. 😉

      I have no excuses… I plead guilty! I believe Micah was very happy with her birthday gifts.


      Liked by 4 people

      1. Can’t believe you’re laughing your a$$ off at the thought of Micah using your thoughtful birthday gifts on Tigger and Hupo… have you no shame, woman?

        I’m sure you’re a very good friend – to Micah. 😉 I guess it’s just too bad her happiness comes with so much spine-tingling. 😛

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Really Mishi? Youze talking about your Guardian Angel like that. 😉

          Ok I also know that Micah would never ever use something on a person that they did not agree too.

          I am just having a whole lot of fun teasing Hupo. 😂😂😂😉

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I don’t think I said anything bad about my guardian angel! I said her happiness at this particular development was spine-tingling, yes, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing 😉

            And, I know. 😂 I’m just teasing you in turn. I was under the impression that was the Brat version the circle of life. 😉

            Liked by 2 people

          2. A considerate brat who was loyal to her fellow brats would have gifted the Top with the implements, gotten herself credit for giving the gifts, and then made sure as she left that the Top’s puppy had access to them to teeth on while the Top was resting or asleep. That way, not only would you get credit for the gifts AND make sure that the implements were destroyed so they couldn’t be used on your fellow brats, but you’d also induce guilt in the Top because her dog had destroyed your presents– and it’s ALWAYS useful to leave a Top feeling guilty!

            Liked by 6 people

                    1. It’s clear that you don’t give him enough inmplements to chew on, ma’am. Look at Wee Donkey, she never ever chews on sneakers since we feed her all the implements we can find.
                      They make a pup happy just as much as a brat unhappy.

                      Liked by 1 person

    5. I’ll throw this in… I told CJ she was crazy quiet a while before she gifted those to Micah. Does she listen? Nooope! I swear the woman wants to sign her backsides death certificate. (Wuv you bratboss. :))

      Good luck all of you that may get into either ones path. 😉

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  20. The only good thing I can see coming out of this, Hupo, my friend, is that she will probably have more cause to use it on CJ than she does on either of us. And, mayhaps she will wear out these 2 horrible implements on CJ’s butt before it can become acquainted with either of us!

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Yes we’ll Top Boss seems to think you are pulling me to the dark side because of the other one. It was giving us both a bad rap! So this one is to show her what an 😇 I really am!

      Liked by 4 people

        1. Another grey and cloudy morning in the UK….still let’s think about brekkies……..

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  21. Ok, you ladies killed me first thing in the morning:

    – Hupo, you are an awesome lawyer and I hope you will serve as one for the BratPack, official role. That way none of us should ever be worried they’ll feel Micah’s hand or implements, cause you’ll have us all absolved!

    – CJ, shame on you and your cow! I can’t believe you did this to us! You of all people!

    – Claire, I find this new gravatar so fitting, I can’t see how anyone could find it less than perfect for you. 😇

    – Tigger…you are the only one with the power to bribe Micah or her pup into destroying those things? We’ll back you up!

    – Logan and Mishi, you made me laugh to tears before my first coffee, that’s quite the accomplishment.

    Have i forgotten anyone? 🤔

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hey Ellie…..i think is was just an after thought there lol
      How’s it going for you?

      Have another coffee , you sound as though you need it ☕

      Logan didn’t want a proper coffee….think she wants one with a chocolate bar 🍫 or two

      Liked by 2 people

      1. What’s an after thought? 😂 Yes please! All the coffee!

        As for Logan…yeah, don’t trust these Americans with coffee too much!

        *giving you a hug* How are you? I just woke up a few minutes ago so…I don’t know, but if the rest of the day matches the laughing start I should be fine! 😁

        Liked by 3 people

        1. It’s obviously a Yank thing!

          An after thought is something that is thought of or added later……so you listed everyone in your post…..then added me on ….😀

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Lol, that’s true, but it was because I was addressing those from last night’s sketch against Micah. Very entertaining!

            You making breakfast on the other hand deserved a post of your own! Lol 😆 (Is this another nice save?)

            Liked by 2 people

      1. *stumbling in yawning*
        Morning ladies! Ooohh coffee! Thanks Jojo!
        Sooo…..how is everyone this morning? Jojo, you back to school soon? When do you all start back?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hey EM….good to speak.
          Not back to school until 4th Sept. How is life with you…….its a bit quiet on the Ireland trip? What’s happening. I come back from 2 weeks and it seems to have dropped off?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hey Jojo! At least ya still have a bit of a break yet then. My youngest is back next Friday. The others go the following week. 5th or 6th maybe? Must check that! Lol. Haven’t even bought a uniform yet. 😩😩
            Yeah, Ireland has been quiet. RL getting in the way I’m assuming. Don’t worry. We’ll get moving again soon. I will try to get something posted today to shimmy us along. After Bundoran is the Cliffs of Moher 😈😈
            Soooo……you enjoying being off? Soounds like you had a great holiday.
            This weekend is a bank holiday for us so we’re off ta do the Ring of Kerry! 😀 Do ya think I should warn them that the BratPack are headed that way? 😂😂😂 Naaahhhhhh!!!!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It’s bank holiday for us to. I still need to get bits and pieces for school to. They changed the uniform to shirts, ties and blazers rather than polo shirts.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Ours have always worn shirts, ties and blazers. Pain in the arse and a feckin fortune! Some of the wee primary schools wear polo shirts though. I’m dreading school shopping. Haate it! 😥


                    1. Everyone dresses the way they like. And sometimes that’s way out of any sensible dress code 😂 You know, short skirts and ripped jeans and the such 😂

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Hahahaha! Would LOVE ta see the reaction of the principle at my kids school if they all rocked up dressed like that! It would be hilarious! 😂

                      Liked by 2 people

                    3. Lol! I knooow! My mother is a teacher (and quite the Toppy one) and she always tries to get the kids to dress more properly! ROFL. Well, short skirts are definitely less frequent than ripped jeans, I think…

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. The kids here would LOVE to not have ta wear a uniform . Can’t see it happening any time soon though! 😂😂


                    5. mine used to look like someone had chucked up on it, being a mix of green, brown and pink 😦 , not to mention it was a kilt, which almost always never had a kilt pin! and a green blazer with shoulder pad that were just to big, I’m so glad those day are behind me for good 😀


                    6. I bet I would have fit right in with my impeccable sense of style. 😊😉

                      We didn’t have uniforms either, we did have a dress code, but I think I would have hated having to wear a uniform…


                  1. Ours aren’t online. We have to go to a certain shop to get them though. They must get the contract from the school to sell them? Very clever on their part. They can charge a fortune cos it’s they only place to get them! 😡

                    Liked by 1 person

      2. Yea how was your holiday??

        I’m going to see if I can get in to my college course through clearing today, fingers crossed !!
        And as for the date! If we go on a next one I’m limiting myself to one glass of wine! Not sure how I feel abt it yet as my last breakup was like 4 months ago!

        How are you?

        Liked by 1 person

            1. Mornin hun! Yeah, Im good thanks Gracie. Trying ta work out what the feck is going on with the weathsr. So foggy here…….can’t see a hand in front of ya!


              1. Have to say I rather like fog it give a mystical factor to life. That and you can get lost and be late for work 😂 hmmm tho I will agree our weather can’t make up its mind what it wants to do 😑

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Hmmm…..I have to admit I don’t really like it. We are very close to the sea so when it rolls in and settles, it can sit for a couple of days!

                  Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah I did think a bottle was rather over doing it lol
          You must have been sloshed 😁
          Early days then for you….take it carefully.
          Holiday was super good. Relaxed and raring to go.
          So college course?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It was the pub visit after that tipped me over! 😂 im used to drinking that much but I didn’t eat that day! Soooo stupid!

            Yea it’s an access course as I’ve been working for the last 3 years so I’m abit outa touch with studies! 😁 I Wona do science!

            I’m glad the hols went well!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hmmm…….try handing CJ the vacuum…….maybe she’ll help ya out? 😂😉😜
              Right! I need ta get ta RL stuff! Happy cleaning wee Ellie! Sorry! Couldn’t resist…..bahahahaha!!!! 😜😂

              Liked by 1 person

  22. Mishi and Ellie. Your new gravatars are AWWWWesome! A little fox and raccoon are totally sweet and innocent. So can you two help me understand why they are YOUR gravatars? I mean….sweet…innocent… I don’t get it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ma’am, I don’t think you’ve ever taken a close enough look at us if you don’t realize how sweet and innocent we both are. 😊 So, maybe this is just a sign you need to re-evaluate and realize you’d much rather cuddle us than swat us.

      Liked by 3 people

                    1. Fine then… you’re throwing me in a cold, icy river and saying “Swim, if you can!” and then laughing evilly and walking off to go eat dessert.

                      Liked by 1 person

        1. Ellie, pleassssse change back to your old gravatar. I have this image of you in my head and you have totally blown it by the cute raccoon look 😁


              1. I was coming to you…….Mishi you’ve also blown my image that I have of you. I was thinking you were kind of mysterious and mythical now you are just a fox ! 😁

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey LT! Well, we were sweet and innocent but then Jojo showed up and told Ellie to be a troublemaker again, so I’m all alone on the sweet/innocent side of things. 😊

      How are you today?

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Well, I mean… they were pretty close… ish.

          Okay, fine. Ellie had said she was allergic to sweetness and innocence before you showed up, so I’ll let you off the hook on that one. 😉


    2. Hey LT…are you thinking of changing your gravatar ? We could have a competition, everyone could send in their recommendations and then the winner would get a prize. 😁

      Liked by 2 people

        1. A lifetime supply of Get-out-of-Spankings-and-Swats-Free Coupons. I’m sure I could find something to enter into this contest…


              1. Much prefer the gravatar….

                If we kidnapped her, where would we put her. She’s rather tall to stuff in a cupboard or under a bed. Her feet would stick out.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Well, I mean, I was thinking we would just let her have free reign of the house but maybe that wouldn’t be the best idea… I’m just trying to be a nice kidnapper.

                  Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes I’m sure you do. I’m not that technical, took be ages to work out…..Ellie or Mishi or LT might me able to advise.


            1. Don’t worry PakPak! After you pick a username you will be able to change the one that is displayed when you comment on WordPress. You will be able to still show up as PakPak even if you call yourself differently!

              Liked by 2 people

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